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EVs are more commonly being used as people look for means of transport that are eco-friendly and cheap to use. With the increase in the adoption of EVs, there will always be a demand for more stations to charge these vehicles. It also presents an opportunity for those owning parking facilities to increase the value of their assets through provision of EV charging infrastructure. This article aims to discuss the opportunities that can be utilized to make a profit from the phenomenon of EVs when it comes to parking and charging.

Evaluate the Local Environment for EVs

To this effect, parking facility owners should consult market and industry studies before investing in EV charging equipment. Find out the number of registered EVs in your region, as well as if the number is expected to rise. Also, look for opportunities in the population density to identify areas where existing public charging networks may be missing stations. Continuously monitor new policies or incentives that may have emerged at the city or state level to affect a faster uptake of EVs. Monitoring the local trend will assist in assessing the current and future demand for the product; this will aid in determining the amount of charging hardware to install.

Local Environment for EVs

Dedicate Premium Parking Spots

Another way of delivering extra value is by reserving essential car parking areas for EVs to charge. Select areas with high traffic visibility, preferably near staircases, lifts, and other relevant points, to enhance the charging experience. Identifying the dedicated stalls for an EV should be limited to the EV charging at the time. Convenience and comfort for your car will make the benefits of premium parking for EV drivers a must-visit place. It is essential that the specific EV stalls are well distinguished and may be labeled and posted appropriately to reduce any ambiguity.

Install High-Power Chargers

For the dedicated EV parking, there should be high-level 2 or DC fast charging that can charge a fully depleted battery. This means that EV drivers can get a helpful charge for the time they spend parked; hence, there is a need to implement the charging system. The quickest kind of DC fast charging is able to provide a range of 60-80 miles of range from 15-20 minutes of charging. Level 3 charging is more advantageous than Level 1 charging because high-powered stations offer more power in exchange for a price. It makes EV charging incredibly easy and your facility more appealing than the other parking lots with this feature.

Offer Competitive Pricing Models

To attract EV customers, parking facilities should offer competitive pricing models:

  • Hourly parking rate– Set the parking charge that EVs have to pay on an hourly basis depending on the average rate in the region. Ensure that the first hour is an option that is provided free to allow enough charge time.
  • Fee per use– Charge the EV drivers a fee either per hour of use of the charging station depending on its power or per kilowatt hour depending on the amount of usage.
  • Memberships– Provide memberships that allow for charging at any location and are paid on a monthly basis at cheaper fixed prices. Draw in regular customers.

Preeminent Planning for EV Advancement

When you are assessing the opportunities for investment in equipment for powering electric vehicles, consider the long-term prospects. It is important to note that the market for electronic vehicles is growing each year as well. Closely related to the previous suggestion, it is advised that stations with extra capacity can be installed to date future additions easily.

EV Advancement

See that your property can afford to generate spare power or easily upgrade its electrical capacity. Specifically, do not install chargers directly into parking spaces so that they can be easily installed in the future once more stations are needed. To set up your parking facility for success in the rapidly growing EV sector, future proofing is the way to go.

Additional Revenue Opportunities

EV charging stations unlock additional revenue opportunities beyond the charging service itself:

  • Advertising –This is a novel idea where digital ads could be placed on the screens of the charging stations and the spaces sold to local merchants. Chargers must also be effectively used as well-lit billboards and as well-lit signage.
  • Retail Partnerships– Offer to enter into revenue sharing agreements with nearby restaurants cafes or any other business that relies on the customers from the store, or commission sharing deals.

When it comes to parking facilities, incorporating EV charging stations unlocks untapped value, traffic, and revenue streams through proper planning and management. Because EVs are set to become mainstream in near future, those parking lots that have sufficient number of convenient charging points will have significant competitive advantage. To avail yourself of the opportunity of this trend quickly, provide a shield from disruptions to parking properties, and become a hub for sustainable transport.